Sunday, December 27, 2009

Charming Girls Secret Santa

I just joined this awesome group called Charming Girls. Each month they challenge you to set out the projects you plan to do for the month and if you complete them you get entered into a drawing for a gift card. It has already really motivated me to set some goals and get sewing again.

This month they also put on a Secret Santa Swap and this was what I received from my secret santa! -
Thank you Michelle for the awesome Kansas Troubles pin cushion, charm squares and magazine!

With the holidays I haven't spent much time in my sewing room... I have 6 projects to finish in just 4 days! May be sewing late on Thursday night (if we don't go out).

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the CGQC!! What a nice secret santa gift you received. :)
