So I completely dropped the ball on my post/picture per day goal! Let's see if I can make up for it a little bit--
Tuesday I made Lemon, Garlic, Basil Chicken... I was SO confident it was going to be delicious that I took this picture of it-
Funny story about the parsley on the plate, I sent Kenny to the store to get basil leaves for the recipe and he brought back this bunch of parsley - cute :) So I thought I mind as well use it to dress up the plate a little: ) Anyway, I am not sure what went wrong but the rice was SO lemony and sour we couldn't eat it! It was horrible so I am not posting the recipe. It sure made the house smell so good and fresh though.
I didn't take any pictures on Wednesday or Thursday... it was rainy and cold here. Here is a picture of one of the local parks near us... they pretty much all look like this because they are set up to be water retention areas/parks. It still looks funny to see them full of water.
Wednesday Kenny was at his Nana's house and Michelle and Trevor came over with the kids... I am SUPER jealous I didn't get to see them this week! boo hoo. Wednesday night was my monthly card class out in Mesa that I went to with my buddy Jackie. Click here to see our projects. We had a blast as always. My mom didn't come along this month because she was home with my dad. He has been having some health issues. For those of you who know my dad, know he NEVER goes to the doctor... Well he finally went so you know how bad he must have been feeling. They aren't sure what he has, but they did some tests and he has to go back in a couple weeks.
Thursday was long day for Kenny he had some appointments down in Nogales and ended up having to drive through a really bad dust storm (that actually blew over a semi!) and then through the rain that was coming down in buckets like Illinois/Arkansas rain! He made it home safe and sound and we just stayed in that night.
Friday morning we went to a funeral for Kenny's great uncle Willy. It was a nice service with a 9 gun solute, Taps and nice words from family.
My Uncle Kenny is buried at the same cemetery so we stopped by.
That afternoon we went to see The Book of Eli and tried out the Dbox seats. Dbox seats are interactive type seats that vibrate, move and shake with the movie. We thought they were okay, but not worth the extra money (it was $17.50 each!).
Later we went to ice skating with Melodi and Jereme.
It was a ton of fun, but actually pretty hard! Kenny was a natural, but it took me a while to get the hang of it again. Poor Jereme got to know the ice the second he stepped on it...
I had to take a lot of breaks because my ankles hurt SO bad... I ended up with bruises all over my ankles!
Here is Kenny on one of the breaks.
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