After work Kenny and I hiked Thunderbird mountain with our friend Jackie. It is a 4 mile trail and we are doing it in about an hour and 20 mins now -- not to shabby for beginners! Its always a lot of fun, but super challenging.
This is baby Matt... isn't be little!? The other pictures I have seen don't really show just HOW little they are, but maybe you can get an idea with this tiny bottle near his face... That bottle gives them just 22 calories of food! Amazing huh?
Kenny holding Matt and Me holding Emma (proud Godparents!)
I am simply amazed by these beautiful babies! What an amazing thing God has done for Michelle and Trevor (and the whole family that gets to enjoy them)!
Baby Emma and her momma
Kenny holding BOTH twins! Hilarious to those of us who were there... he was terrified of them!
AMAZING NICU nurse with Matt
Emma's little foot is barely bigger than Chuck (the NICU nurse)'s thumb!!
Little bitty Emma
Mama and here babies!
Our other Godson Zack at dinner. He is such a ham.
When we walked into the NICU Michelle was holding both of the babies and when I first laid eyes on them I was just amazed. There is no other word to describe it... they are SO small and beautiful. We had such a nice time "meeting" the twins, holding them, staring at them and chatting with the NICU nurse. Did you know babies do not have knee caps?? They won't have any until they are 2-3 years old! Also, can you guess what part of their body will never get bigger than it is right now today?? Their EYES! Amazing huh?
After visiting we all went to Applebees to celebrate Kim's 40th b-day. We were at the restaurant for about 2 hours and well after poor Zack's bedtime. We had such a great time just chatting, eating and being entertained by Zack.
After visiting we all went to Applebees to celebrate Kim's 40th b-day. We were at the restaurant for about 2 hours and well after poor Zack's bedtime. We had such a great time just chatting, eating and being entertained by Zack.
What a great way to start the week!
What beautiful babies!!!!!