Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Best Movie EVER and lesson learned?

Since Kenny is gone ALL WEEK... I had to do something to keep busy so I took my brother and his family to movie, but before the movie we met up and ate at McDonald's (the dollar menu is a beautiful thing).
Jacob enjoyed his hamburger- can you tell?
Brian, Krissy and Crystal

Then we went to the $1.50, Tuesday movies - all 6 of us got in for less than the price of regular admission at Harkins... wow.
We saw Shrek 4
Apparently the boys have never been to the movies, but they did SO well! They did have to leave in the middle to use the restroom, but other than that they sat in their seats, were quiet and enjoyed the movie.
Jacob was SO dang cute in his chair! I guess he just doesn't weigh enough to hold the folding seat down and occasionally he would get sandwiched in the chair. I would laugh. He would giggle and we would both just keep laughing... the rest of them didn't get it. I am laughing about it right now actually : )

After the movie Little Brian announced "That was the best movie Ever!"

When we were leaving Little Brian wanted to play a video game before we left. I of course rarely say no to the boys so I pulled out a dollar for him. Before I knew it he had darted into the crowd. I panicked. I didn't see him in the sea of people trying to leave. I searched by all the games and couldn't find him. I turned around and walked around the circle again. There he was happily "playing a game" (no money in the machine). Right then Brian Sr. walked up and found him too. We didn't let him play the game.

When we got outside I told him how much he scared me. I showed him the dollar and said you would have got to play if you just stayed with me. He pouted which was heartbreaking... I hope next time he remembers not to run off and I didn't have to be mean for no reason.

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