Today was a busy day and I learned that 1/2 tank of gas will get you---
All the way to Mesa for Scrapbooks etc semi-annual yardsale, to lunch and then back home...
It will also get you back into Phoenix to finally get the twin's baby pictures taken! Our gift to Michelle and Trevor was to pay for the twins baby pictures... well 2+ months later we finally got to it! Here is a sneak peak of the amazing Rounds Photography!

Then back home again to make a cake for the party.... Isn't Kenny awesome!? After working ALL DAY at his mom's house he came home and put his old Fry's Bakery skills to the test and decorated this cake.
Lastly it will get you back up to Arrowhead to Nanette's house for a B-day party for 20 year old Andy!
A lot of smoke.... I would take that as a sign you are getting older...
My rainbow cake I saw on this blog. ( we didn't have red food coloring, but it was still kinda neat)
Sarah made some delicious chicken cheese spaghetti for the b-day boy!
We ended the night playing a few games of LCR (one of which I won BTW)
I think everyone had a nice night
All and all a 1/2 tank of gas will get you pretty far... but more importantly it will provide the means to some great memories!
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