Wednesday, March 23, 2011

tootin' my own horn

I have seen lots of list like the below lists and decided I need my own.... It pertains to my bucket list journey...

28 things I've done in my 28 years-

jumped out of a perfectly good airplane
rode a zipline in Kauai
parasailed in Maui 

been spelunking
gone skinny dippin'
stood under a massive waterfall
swam with sea turtles
taken a ride in a helicopter
played on the beach in Hawaii 

driven cross country in an RV
gone on a 14 day cruise
bought 2 houses
donated blood
donated my hair to locks of love
earned a bachelors degree
completed a 1/2 marathon
been MVP
been a JV wrestler
used a potters wheel
gotten a tattoo (2)
read the book before the movie
fallen in love
had a best friend (still do)
baked bread from scratch
tried escargot and frog legs
been a season ticket holder
watched a live birth
inspired others (trust me they tell me, lol) and do things people wouldn't expect me to

29 things to do before I turn 29

fly on a trapeze
paraglide off South Mountain
fly an airplane
earn my CPCU designation
break 200 bowling (not wii
read the entire Bible
loose 29 lbs
be credit card debt free
watch all the Star Wars movies 
 (seriously I have never seen them)
go to one game for each of our major sport teams in AZ
hike the 7 summits of PHX in 48 hours
buy a super trendy outfit that looks like a cover of magazine 

make my own "while you were out" episode
develop my piano playing to where I can actually say, "Sure I play the Piano"
read 10 New York Times best sellers
visit Knottsberry Farm at Halloween 

visit Yosemite 

ride a mechanical bull
ignore the convience of e-mail, FB and text messaging and write letters to my friends and family 
find my purpose in life (seriously I don't know how to do that... gonna start with the Purpose Drive Life and lots of PRAYER)
write a letter to my future self (maybe a time capsule)
make an outfit I can actually wear
take a class at the community college
hide 29 caches... (geocaching)
create a video worthy of putting on youtube
play in a giant hamster ball
learn to knit
see if blonds really do have more fun...
explore a corn maze 

I cheated a little on this list, because I have some of these items already planned... It was pretty difficult to come up with 29 'bucket list' time items to achieve in ONE year... We will see how I do! 

PS. I have a friend that thought my bucket list was meaningless... it kind of hurt my feelings, but at the same time the list is just stuff I want to do so that really is the only meaning behind it. The purpose is to keep these adventures or goals toward the front of my mind so I get them DONE. Some of the things are things other people may never do (skydive) while others are done by people everyday (milking a cow). The point is, I want to have those experiences. I am not making any implication that because I have done these things I am a better person or closer to God... I just did them (or want to do them) period.


  1. I think its awesome that you are thinking things that you know you would enjoy out. I love lists, I find they help me to complete the things I want to do and not just let them slip and say I wish I had done this or that.

