Saturday, December 3, 2011

EMC Christmas party

Saturday night we braved the 'AZ cold', rain and mud out at Rawhide for our EMC Company Christmas party. We had a full load, carpooling with Donna and our guests Brian and Barb. The party was kind of dull with the exception of our Claims manager, Mike, being arrested under the charge of being to bossy and sentenced to perform the can-can for his release! I never really like the food at these types of parties because my steak is always too rare, but I was able to fill up on baked potato anyway. The DJ was terrible and didn't play much dance music... or country... or Christmas. Really what made the night fun was our friends (and family). The ride to and from Chandler was lively and filled with laughter. After we dropped off Barb at her car we ended up stopping by Blair's house to drop off some things I had been meaning to take to her. I begged Kenny, Brian and Donna to Christmas Carol her! They said no, but lined up in front of the door and by some miracle all belted out the exact line, "Jingle all the way" when she opened the door... She said, "Oh Hell no!" and slammed the door in our faces... I thought we might die laughing.

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