Sunday, May 6, 2012

Garden Update - Week 8

Here is an update of my Garden: 

I planted Sunflowers in the corner where the cucumbers died... they should be sprouting in 7-14 days. I have been picking weeds like crazy! I had a little bit of an ant problem, but haven't seen anything in the last couple days. 

I was so tickled to see this in my corn stock (ignore Toby's little bottom in the background)

Watermelon... slowly chugging along.
 Corn-Getting tall!!
 Green Onions (they should be mature next week!)
 Cantaloupe vines...
 Green beans
 more onions

OH and I have a completely neglected grape vine that is on the wall on the other side of my garden. I have no idea how, but it is growing like crazy! It actually bulked out before I even planted my garden again. I was checking it out today and notice 3 bunches of grapes! This will be the first year it has ever produced!
 Looks how awesome it looks! Imagine if I actually watered it directly!
 Our side yard is extremely narrow and you can't do much with it... I am contemplating adding a gate to hide the garden from the street because of the HOA so I can plant on this side of the house too! This part of the yard doesn't get much sun, but when it rains it really floods... also that is where all our weeds grow.... after the summer I might look into doing it.

1 comment:

  1. That is Awesome! It looks like all of your hard work is paying off.
