Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bunkie at 4

says things like-
* where you bin? missed ya. you back??, I tant, I tant
* calls me Grandma
* squeals with excitement about the little things in life
* likes cars and trucks
* loves Sponge Bob
* His Dad is his best friend and he idolizes him
* Jake is "his Jacob"
* speaks his own language
* can really put away the milk (could probably drink a gallon a day!)
* LOVES pizza, the pizza man (Kenny I think) and pizza money (?)
* is always excited to see us and cries when we leave
* is a meat eater- he can eat an entire steak himself!
* loves chocolate donuts

We love you Bunkie Monkey!!

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute I can see why you enjoy being with him, such a happy little boy. Did you say Kenny is the pizza man?
