Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Blessing

Sunday morning my mom and I went to our old LDS Church... it had been almost 8 years for me and about 3 for my mom. We were welcomed by all our old friends. I was surprised how many people went out of there way to say hi to us... there was actually a line of people to talk to us. We were there for my girlfriend Catherine. Her little baby girl, Marlee Kate Hall, was being blessed and she invited us to come. I am thankful she shared her day with us- it was awesome.

Catherine is currently living in Utah and the last time we talked she told me she was a little concerned about bringing home her little baby in the snow... it inspired me to make her a super warm quilt!! I didn't finish it before the baby was born, but I got to give it to her in person rather than mailing it which was really nice. I made it with 100% cotton (quilt store quality) fabrics, warm and natural batting and minke for the backing--- it is WARM. When I was doing the hand sewing for the binding I had to take a break I got so hot. The quilting was done by a long arm quilter Sharon (very hard to see in the picture, but it is a bunch of swirly hearts)

I hope Catherine doesn't mind, but I am going to share her words... I think the greatest appreciation for me is knowing the person really liked what I made for them...

"The quilt you made is amazing. I love it so much. When we had lunch at my moms house she was wrapped in it for her whole nap. I love the fabric & the quilted hearts are so cool. Thanks sooooo much. I am glad you were able to make it & see Marlee. Thanks again"

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute quilt. Sounds like you are blessed to have such a great friend.
