Monday, October 12, 2009


Saturday was the day we had planned to go sky diving, but it just didn't work out. For a few reasons everyone cancelled... I contemplated going alone, but thought I would just save it for another time...

So, Saturday morning I dragged my sleepy family out yardsaling.... no one really wanted to go, but did because I wanted them to. One of the first houses we came to had this awesome porch swing out front.... for FREE! It is missing the canopy and the cushions, but is still pretty comfy to sit and relax in. The guys went home to get a truck and came back to take my treasure to the house. So far the dogs haven't bothered it and I am really hoping they won't.... I am planning on making some cushions for it soon... when I get my next allowance!

Kenny and I have been keeping busy with Pastor Lee's Bible in 90 days challenge. We ended up purchasing an audio Bible- which wasn't cheap, but oh so worth it. Neither one of us love to read out loud and were really struggling with some of the names, cities etc. Now we just sit back follow along. We are learning so much, but it seems the more we learn , the more questions we have.

Toby is officially on a diet... he is way over weight for a miniature dachshund... Also, Kenny and I are going to share the job of walking him a few times a week.

Kenny is doing really well with his golfing. Last Saturday him and my dad got a super deal on an ALL DAY PASS for $25. They ended golfing 45 holes !! They ended up loosing something like 50 golf balls (which they had collected from behind the driving range), but the last 9 holes they actually kept score. I am happy he has a hobby and is working at it. I also just love to see my dad have so much fun with it too. When they tell their golf stories my dad laughs so hard his face turns red.

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