Sunday, May 3, 2009

Home Improvement

So Kenny and I used this Arcadia doggie door insert- which at first seem like a GREAT idea. It was cheaper than the ones you install in the house, we could take it with us if we sell this house etc. But there were many down negative aspects too... We could not properly lock the door (we used a stick) it didn't match, there was a gap that between the regular door and the insert which let valuable cool air out and it was kinda small for the girls. PLUS if we didn't get the stick just right in the door the dogs would break in and rampage the house. They would dump the trash get into the cupboards (which have child locks) etc. 

We got an estimate of $300-400 to have a contractor install a door in the wall. Kenny did some research and decided he could do it himself. 

I am so proud of him he did a beautiful job! And saved us over $200 on the installation!! We should save on electricity and food (since the pups won't be breaking and eating everything any more) Yippee!! 


  1. Wow, looks like he did a fantastic job!! Isn't it frustrating when those inventions that are supposed to be wonderful solutions (like the door insert) turn out to be not so wonderful? I hope your doggies love it! :)

  2. That's where we have our dog door, in the wall by the back door, works great.
