The truck with frost on it
Friday morning we headed up north with our buddy Blair and her family to play in the snow! We lucked out because of the storm on Thursday there was lots of snow in Prescott (just an hour and half away from the house). Blair is 8 months pregnant and really wanted to take her older kids to the snow before the baby comes and today was pretty much the last day! We we worried about the roads being closed but didn't have any issues getting up there. |
Blair! |
Krissy and Jacob |
My brother pushing Kenny and Little Brian |
Mybrother and Kenny found us a cool place just behind the Casino to play. It was a closed road so we thought that would be a nice place to sled.... It worked out of about 20 minutes before the boys started to get cold and freak out... It was pretty much a repeat of our
last trip up... but WAY worse. They were wailing and screaming "help me, help me" It was pretty ridiculous and embarrassing. Blair tried to calm them down, but they wouldn't listen and were just plain done with the snow. I walked them up the hill (carrying Jacob) and got them to the car. My brother saw what was going on and came up to get them situated. We got them redressed and warm in the car, but they were still throwing HUGE fits, so my brother said just leave them in here and lock the door. I just couldn't do that... I thought we would probably get arrested or something leaving the kids in the car unattended. So I sat with them and Krissy came up. She was done with playing in the snow and agreed to stay with them (She is a super awesome sister and I always appreciate her help!)
Krissy |
The tears have begun |
Jacob crying in the car (Little Brian is under the covers) |
View from the top of the hill |
While Krissy sat with the boys in the car we got some time to sled (once each) down this awesomely steep hill... When we first saw it we didn't think it would be safe... but knew who would try it out... my crazy awesome brother!
See the first video below. The second video is me. Kenny, Krissy, Matthew, Allan and I all did the crazy steep hill and loved it. Blair really wanted to, but being that pregnant just would not have been a good idea...
Allan coming down the hill |
This was my first sledding experience and I cannot wait to go back (without kids)! I was really surprised tumbling didn't hurt! When I got up I couldn't see because of all the snow in my face! lol
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