Saturday afternoon we attempted to take a Kuhn family photo! Our dogs have no manners... its as simple as that. We took them in and they were all pretty good and cooperated and they took a pretty decent picture. Unfortunately, when they went to print the picture it cut off Hope's face! They said, "Just bring them back in." (ha ha) So we did, but there were more people around by this time and the dogs were antsy and "talkative" It was kind of embarrassing. They took a few more pictures, but somehow couldn't figure out get us all to fit... so we ended up with two pictures, 1 with Kenny's head cut off and one with Shelby's nose cut off. Oh well they are still pretty cute and it was only $10 ($5 went to charity), although I felt like I wrestled a bear to get them!
Saturday night we met up with Kim and Michelle at Arrowhead mall to attempt to get some pictures of Zack, Matt and Emma. The line was of course extraordinarily long so Michelle decided to run home really quick to get the forgotten diaper bag... when she did she accidentally locked the keys in the house. So here we are at the mall with no diapers or food and 3 kids... yikes! I wish I could say we handled it well, but we didn't. If Kim wasn't there we probably would have lost it. When you look at these faces you wouldn't think so, but...
The landlord brought Michelle a key and within about 2 hours (maybe less) she was back and all was well in the world. We had already took one round of pictures by the time she got there, but decided Michelle might have better luck getting the kids to smiles so we waited again... The kids were tired and cranky at this point so the 2nd round of pictures were worse... so we bought the first round and here they are!
After the pictures we went to Red Robin for a deliciously late dinner... Kenny fed Emma sugar off a french fry and we went home : )
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