Kenny and I had a great week. Nothing spectacular, but a week filled with lots of little things...
Tuesday was my monthly card class out in Mesa which I just LOVE and look forward to all month. My mom couldn't make it this time, but my buddy Jackie came along with me. On the way to class we stopped by Safeway. When Jackie paid she got $10 cash back asked for 2 $5's. We walked out and she veered to the right. I said, "hey we parked strait out here". There was a man sitting on the bench, with a bag who appeared to be homeless. He wasn't begging, just sitting minding his own business. She handed him one of the fives. I was truly touched. When we got back to the car I admitted to her that I had not even seen the man and if I had, I know I would have avoided him. She said she wanted to give him a card for Set Free Ministries (I program I hope and pray my brother will take advantage of someday) but didn't have one. Anyway, it opened my eyes to how much I ignore... I could be doing SO much more to help others.
Wednesday was I-Day (All Industry Day for insurance professionals). I was invited to go even though I have not completed my CPCU designation, because I am ac
tively pursuing the designation. The day starts with a nice breakfast, a speaker (this year it was a panel discussion), breakout seminars and then we meet back for lunch and a final speaker. Its nice to get out of the office, learn some new things, meet new people and spend time with coworkers. Each year they give out a gift to all attendees and this year was a little ma

g lite- Kenny was super excited when I brought it home for him. It really was a nice day.
Thursday we came home to a package in the mail from Kenny's step sister Jennifer. It was SO nice to hear from them and she sent a giant stack of photos (anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE pictures more than anything), a nice letter, a cute necklace for me and something priceless for Kenny. She sent the custom license plates Kenny's dad had had on his Camaro and his other vehicle. Mutley was the dog his mom and dad had together and Pudgy was a dog his dad and Susie had. It really meant a lot to him to have those.
A few other things that made this week so great were-
* Kenny made dinner every night this week!
* My friend Carol gave me this super cute ribbon for no reason-
* I discovered these amazing Candy Corn Kisses at Target-
* I got my Christmas spirit!
Hope everyone else had an amazing week!!
Hurray for Christmas Spirit! Little things mean a lot.