Kenny got up bright and early and went golfing with my dad. While they were doing that my mom and I went to the Yardsale at Scrapbooks etc. Basically the yardsale is how people get rid of the scrapbook supplies they don't/want or need... and we scoop them up at 10 to 20% of the retail price!! My mom and I both loaded up on pages kits, mini books, embellishments galore and much more and had blast!

Later my mom went with me to get the boys while Kenny stayed home and took a quick nap. The boys were excited to see us and got right in the car. Halloween is Brian and Crystal's wedding anniversary so they didn't come along. We headed over to my grandparent's house so the kids could trick or treat them. My grandma gave them each a few fun size candy bars and Jacob devoured them! He didn't even take the paper of the reeses cup! Little Brian was so cute and told my grandma "Happy Halloween, I love you." Jacob wore the dog costume (I got at Goodwill for $1) for about 10 minutes and then was done with it, but I got some cute pictures anyway. Our intention was to take the boys to church, but we were running late and since it would have been their first time there I wasn't sure how they would do in the day care without us... we decided to skip it and hang out at my parents house until it was time to go to the Trunk or treat at the church. My mom ordered Pizza and we watch part of Transformers II (which is the boys new craze). We were all sitting watching the movie and Jacob came and crawled up in my lap (aww!), but then he got down right away and went to my mom. She couldn't figure out what he wanted so he went to my dad and finally, my dad said "Do
you need to go potty?" so I took Jake into the restroom and he ripped off his diaper, lifted the seat and climbed up on the toilet. To be honest he looked so little sitting up there and I was so afraid he would fall in! He seemed to know what he was doing so I told him I would wait by the door for him, you know to give him his privacy. He did his thing climbed down and flushed. I was shocked because my brother hadn't mentioned that he was even at that stage!! I told him what a great job he did and helped him wash his hands and get dressed. We came out in the living room and my parents and Kenny cheered for him and told him what a big boy he was!! He was so proud of himself. I sent my brother a text and told him what a great job they were doing with Jake and that he went potty on his own for us... his response was - "Really?" Turns out that was Jakes first timedoing it on his own!! How cool that we go to be part of it!! I am so proud of that little guy. Finally it was time for the trunk or treat ( I think I was more excited than the kids were!) I was surprised by the turnout and the kids had an absolute blast! People really went all out with decorations, costumes, music etc. There were people serving hot dogs and even a station to make s'mores over an open flame. People really got a kick out of Little Brian's enthusiasm and thought Jacob was the cutest little Sponge Bob. Brian knew just how to trick or treat and Jake didn't take long to figure out what needed to be done. Jacob has the smallest little voice, almost a whisper which made it even cuter! Both boys were in awe of everything going on. Little Brian would tell people, "awesome costume man!" and Jacob would just grim and stare with wide eyes. Jacob especially liked the strobe lights and all the pumpkins.
They were getting tired and could barely carry their heavy candy bags anymore. Jacob stopped saying "Trick or Treat" or "thank you" and was just holding his bag open... so we decided it was time to leave. After we got the boys loaded up Little Brian said he was thirsty and asked if he could have a soda-- SO naturally we got him what he wanted. He told Kenny thank you and said "This is the best Halloween ever". I agree buddy.I told the boys there would be more trick or treating in his own neighborhood and Little Brian said "Oh, no we just can't." They were done and it was already close to their bedtime so we decided to take them home. Little Brian was really getting
into his candy bag and I didn't want to push my luck with all the excitement, soda and candy so I emptied his bag into a bigger bag and left a few pieces for him. When I handed it back to him he said to me, "You ate it all!?" Ha Ha Thanks for the memories family!
I agree, the best halloween ever! What a great story, thankd for sharing. You are so special Amanda. Keep your eyes on the Son...
ReplyDeleteI love you, Jackie K