Life was crazy busy, loud, messy, expensive, stressful and wonderful. It amazes me how two small children can fill your entire life. All I could do at work was think about them and what we would do that evening. When I got home from work the boys were so excited I was home. We spent time at the park and at my parents house. We even did a craft night
Tuesday and Wednesday Kenny worked in Vegas and boy did the boys miss him (all of them including my brother). We still had fun that night, but the boys asked about him several times -- awww so cute.
Thursday we got to take the boys to church for the first time while my mom and I went to Bible study. I don't think I will ever forget Little Brian when he walked in and saw the indoor playground equipment (which is easily 3X the McDonald's ones) and his eyes lite up and he said "Oh... my... God!" Afterwards he said "I just love school"
The dogs were pretty jealous of all the attention we were giving to the boys and not
them... Shelby loves, loves, loves my brother but doesn't like children at all. She is very scared of them and spent most of her week in the corner behind the recliner...
Jacob started doing this really cute thing were he would randomly say, "hi!" in his little squeaky voice. You would reply back "hi" and he would just keep say it back and giggly and laugh. We thought it was cute.
Great week... now that they are gone our house it clean... and empty.
What a good sister & aunt you are! I'm sure the kids love to be at your house.