So I got
absolutely spoiled
rotten rotten rotten for my 26
th b-day! I guess I'm kind of a big deal ...or at least people made me feel that way! My mom called me first thing in the morning to get my day started and I got calls, cards, e-mails, text etc
all day! I was really surprised of all the people who thought of me : ) My girlfriends at work spoiled me with gifts, treats AND took me to lunch at this new
restaurant down the street from our office. My buddy Carol made me the cutest apron ever! It is made out of I LOVE LUCY fabric and just super cute--

the picture just doesn't do it justice .She also made me this adorable mini quilt with my name on it!

For dinner we went to Olive Garden and my parents joined us! That really is a big deal because they both work long hours and commute to Tempe so they are usually pretty tired, but they still came anyway. We had so much fun!

My grandparents are going to take Kenny and I out eat at Carlos O
Brian's (one of our favorites!) too!!
I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life!! Thanks everyone you really made me feel special and loved!!
Great gifts for a special person. I'm so glad you had a super nice 26th birthday.