This Saturday Kenny and I kinda went our own ways- he went out to Buckeye to work on his Nana's truck and do some things at his moms house and I went to the Scrapbooking Yardsale at the Scrapbook Barn with my mom.
We got a bunch of goodies... from Magazines to embellishments for next to nothing (because I need more stuff...).
Then we went to Scrapbooks etc and I got this new punch for my birthday (Kenny asked me what I wanted for my b-day and I said this awesome punch. SO... I just picked it up while we were out there).
I dropped my mom off and picked up my friend Blair and we went to the baby shower. It was really fun, we played games and ate delicious food (her dad is a chef at the Biltmore Resort). After the shower we decided to stop at Goodwill since it was 1/2 off day. I picked up these treasures....
The rug was brand new and I only paid $3- awesome. Plus I a Sponge Bob bucket (was for Halloween, but I thought it would make a great easter basket for one of my nephews), a toy for the dogs, a bunch of cards, this kit to make ornaments (was $27.99 at Michaels) and 4 shirts for under $20!!
Meanwhile Kenny had lunch with his mom, got some stuff done at her house and headed home for his softball game. He played really well that afternoon and got a triple and caught a pop up! Yippee Kenny! Lee, the coach of co-ed team, was jealous and told Kenny he need to hit a triple for the Radiant Royals!
After his game we went to Church- which was amazing BTW and then went to dinner at Mike's Greek and Italian Restaurant.
Sunday, was a slower paced day- which is what we are striving for these days. We played our softball game at 1. It was actually really hot out! Kenny gave Lee his wish and hit a triple AND caught another pop up along with making several other outs in the game!! We didn't win, but we had some fun. Michelle and Nanette came by for a quick visit and brought little Zack. He is just too cute I had to take some pictures of him. 
So Michelle stepped out side to smoke and while she was gone I was watching Zack. He was sitting right by me on the couch and I reached for my camera on the coffee table and when I looked back he had rolled right off the couch!! I felt absolutely awful!! Michelle and Nanette were very nice about it, but I still cannot believe that happened!! Kenny tells me not to worry about it that is happens some times... I said yea to me! (see my post a few weeks back about Jake and the swing....) Anyway, when Zack fell he must have hit is gum just right and his second tooth popped out! So I am not sure how often we will be babysitting our little God Son here in the future, but Nanette says we may be referred to as his "Oh my God parents now".
Sarah and Barb came over for dinner (Coke Roast- see below recipe) and just sat around and talked and listened to music. BTW Sarah says there is a superstition that if a baby doesn't fall off a couch by the time they are 1 they will go crazy- so your Welcome Michelle and Trevor.
Oh and here is the recipe--
Coke Roast-
3 lb beef roast (you can do smaller I usually do)
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
1 packet of dry onion soup
1 can of coke (DO NOT Sub in diet coke)
I use a ceramic pot and cook with the lid on for 3-3 1/2 hours-- yum
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