So after practically growing roots the last few days on the couch, we actually went out and had some fun! I have been sick off and on for practically a month and took Thursday and Friday this week as sick days... head cold to chest cold.... I dunno. Kenny tells me I need to go to the doctor, but I guess I am just like my dad and won't go until I have no choice. Since I am better I guess I don't have to go-
Anyway, last night we went out to eat with Kenny's mom and Grandma at the Spaghetti Factory down town. The food was great, but was really neat was the atmosphere! There was an old trolley looking thing in the middle of the restaurant and you could actually eat in there! The bar had old Barber stools and there were old fashion phone booths too. The meal included your choice of entree, bread, salad, drink and ice cream! Kenny, Barb and I chose the sherbet and Sarah had their signature Spumoni for dessert. After dinner I was pretty much spent (hate being sick) so we rented a movie and watched that at home. Great night!

Today my mom and I had a class at Scrapbooks etc (our favorite store!) It was called the scrapin sampler and they hold it once a quarter for $2.50!! We made 3 quick
projects- a scrapbook page, a little Valentine candy bag and the tri-fold valentine. The teachers were awesome and we felt very inspired to get scrapin' after that. We signed up for another class in February called Easy Peasy where you make 6 scrapbook pages in just 2 hours! Fun Fun!
Tonight Kenny and I are going with my Bro and his family to the monster Jam. My parents were going to go, but my dad is sick now... for him to be laying down is really a big thing, because he is always going. So we wish him a speedy recovery and will post some pictures of the monster Jam soon....
Take Care Everyone-- also many of you have asked me about posting comments... sorry I am barely computer savvy enough to write this blog and I am not sure about leaving comments so keep the e-mails coming we love it!
Cute, cute, cute scrapbook stuff! Only $2.50, that's awesome. I'm so glad you are feeling better, thought you would not be up to going to the Monster Truck thing. Dido on the doctors, don't like it much myself.