The Melting Pot-- What an experience!! They made all the food right at our table since there is a burner at each table. The first of the four courses meal was a cheese fondue. They made it with Bud Light,
thats right the beer. Then a little garlic a few seasonings, followed by the aged cheddar cheese with a little
swiss- ooh la la . We had 3 types of bread, veggies and apples for dipping.

Next was our Cobb Salads- now most of you know Kenny hates anything green and rarely eats veggies, but he ate his whole Salad it was SO good. It had lettuce, tomato, bacon, cheese, eggs and their yummy ranch dressing. The 3rd course was the main course. We chose -Court Bouillon homemade, seasoned vegetable broth for our "cooking style" and the signature selection for our dipping... which included potatoes, mushrooms, broccoli,
filet mignon, sirloin, chicken, white shrimp and salmon. The meats come to the table raw and yes you cook your own food- but it is so much fun!! They have lots of sauces to try, but everything tasted so good without it. I was surprised and happy to see how much Kenny enjoyed the meal. He doesn't always like to try new things,but he tried everything and really liked most of it.

The final course was our dessert. We choose the
flaming turtle which included milk chocolate, caramel and nuts and is flambeed at the table! Really neat to see. To dip they bring you a tray of goodies including brownies, cheesecake, pound cake, bananas, strawberries and marshmallows and it

is refillable at no charge- of course you just might go into a coma if you ate all that. Oh, and I almost forgot! I tried a caramel
appletini- at a friends recommendation-- it was amazing!! Everything was so delicious and it was just a plain fun experience.
Oh, wow! That all looks/ sounds sooo good! I'll have to add it to my 'want to go to' places!