Saturday, January 31, 2009
Several of you have mentioned that you had trouble or didn't know how to leave comments. Well, I didn't either until my friend from work gave me some directions.... I changed a setting so all you need to do is -
* click comments
* write you comment in the box on the right that says leave your comment
* if you do not have a blog sign on just click the Anonymous radio button (this was not there before)
* click the publish your comment button
and walla! You have just made a comment.
Let me know if you have questions!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Friday night from the pink room (AKA craft room)
Quilters Dream Come True!
TGIF everyone!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Like Father Like Son
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Some Fun!!
projects- a scrapbook page, a little Valentine candy bag and the tri-fold valentine. The teachers were awesome and we felt very inspired to get scrapin' after that. We signed up for another class in February called Easy Peasy where you make 6 scrapbook pages in just 2 hours! Fun Fun!
Tonight Kenny and I are going with my Bro and his family to the monster Jam. My parents were going to go, but my dad is sick now... for him to be laying down is really a big thing, because he is always going. So we wish him a speedy recovery and will post some pictures of the monster Jam soon....
Take Care Everyone-- also many of you have asked me about posting comments... sorry I am barely computer savvy enough to write this blog and I am not sure about leaving comments so keep the e-mails coming we love it!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Ah the Weekend
Friday night after work my mom picked up my brother and his boys to spend the weekend out with us. Mom and I went out to Buckeye for Bunko night with Kenny's mom and the boys stayed at Mom and Dad's and ordered Pizza and watched a movie. This was mom's first time playing Bunko and she had a blast! She ended up winning her $5 back for 2nd place (most wins). When she got her first Bunko she yelled Yahtzee!! (Bunko is 3 of a kind) so I go to correct her and say "No mom its Bunkie!" LOL So finally a 3rd person at the table corrected us both and said no its Bunko!! It was a fun night!
01/17- Happy 74th B-day Grandma!!
Saturday morning we (my, Kenny, my parents, my bro and his boys) headed out to Bloody Basin Road to take my parents quads out for a spin.
Jacob road with my brother and Bunkie when we first got there, but after that he wasn't interested at all. Bunkie on the other hand loved it as long as we didn't go too fast or on too many bumps. My brother is absolutely fearless and had great fun on the jumps and playing in the mud!
My dad had to have the prize for the highest jumps although I didn't get a good picture of him.
01/18- Sunday morning Kenny made us all pancakes. At 10:30 the day of sports began with the Phoenix Suns game. Luckily we took lots of breaks playing with the kids outside and throwing the ball for the dogs. Jacob was SO cute and pretended that he was a dog. He crawled around on all 4's and barked and panted. It was pretty funny. My parents came over later to watch Cardinals game. We had football food-- nachos, sloppy joes, chips and salsa etc. I bet my Dad $5 against the cardinals... so I will probably never live that down! I am not worried I can probably get it back at the super bowl- ha ha !! I should be more of a supporter since this is such a big deal for our state. In fact even our softball game was canceled for Cardinals!! We ended the evening playing UNO flash. Little Brian thought it was great fun and SO COOL when the slap card was played. He would just squeal with delight and tell the loser to draw cards. If you haven't played UNO flash it is basically UNO with a few twists and has an electronic board that lights up and makes noise.
Jake Turns Two 01/11/09
Saturday 01/10/09
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Double Date Night! 01/09/09

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Our 6th wedding Anniversary!

album...BTW none of our wedding pictures are digital so I scanned them in from our scrapbook... not the best quality, but a fun blast from the past--don't we look like babies!!

Date Night
Happy 2009!!
The Weekend 01/02/09 and 01/03/09
Another Busy Saturday
Afterwards our friends Mike and Renee' took us out lunch for Christmas. They took us to this tiny little restaurant called Lupitas- actually a few blocks from our house. It was very much a hole in the wall- kind of diamond in the ruff-- amazing Mexican food.
That night Sarah invited us out to the Zoo Lights. We met up with Barb, Tammy, Michelle, Trevor, Zack, Kim, Andy and Nanette and walked around ooowing and awwing at all the lights. It was a cold night so we had some yummy hot chocolate to warm us up. Kim wanted to take Zack on the camel ride (yes an actual Camel) , but they said he was too little- it would have been so cute though. I guess we will save it for next year. My favorite was the light shows to music- so beautiful!!
Mom's B-day and Another Christmas
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Christmas Day
Later we headed over to my parents house for Christmas lunch/dinner. We did our presents and ate a fabulous meal. The Suns were on so the guys we just happy as can be and mom and I sat around and talked. It was such a fun afternoon. My parents and grandparents got us these amazing pans from the place my mom and I go for cooking class. They are called Swiss Diamond and actually have crushed diamonds in the pan lining! They are awesome and have a lifetime warranty to back up their awesomeness.
Later we went to Kenny's Aunt's house to visit with all of them. I got some great pictures of our little God Son Zack. He just loved this little bouncer that Kim and Andy bought for him.