We left LA about 7AM to beat the traffic and get into San Diego by 10AM. We stopped at Denny's for breakfast.
Little Brian ate his entire breakfast and practically licked his plate clean! All he had left was his syrup and we joked with him that he needed to drink it to finish his meal and eat all gone! Little Kenny offered him $1 to drink it! He declined so we started working on Jacob... we were totally kidding with the kids and didn't think they would do it... Jacob picked up that cup and chugged it!! We were shocked, in fact Brian and Little Kenny didn't even see him start to do it because they had moved on to paying the bill!! He is such a champ! We all pitched in money for him... He was very proud of himself (ALSO did not get sick by the way)
Little Kenny laughing at Jacob |
We made it to Sea World just after 10 AM... along with everyone else and their mothers! It was BUSY! Duh it was Saturday! The guys wanted to hit Journey to Atlantis the ride first-
Oh those 3.... |
We didn't wait long in line and actually convinced Little Brian to ride! I was so proud of him!! Then... the ride broke!! Seriously we were wading in this pool area for about 30 minutes before the escorted us off the ride. (I feel really sorry for the people in the top left of the picture that had to get off on that tall part of the coaster!!). We got a front of the line pass to use later in the day, but it still put a huge damper in our day since it was 11:30 and we hadn't really done or seen anything yet!
Jacob and Little Kenny (Jacob picked to ride with Little Kenny in the front!) |
Kenny |
My Mom and Little Brian - he was SO upset from the ride! |
We stopped to look at the aquarium on the way out of the ride. I just LOVE the expression and wonder in Jacob's face!
Later we hit the Blue Horizon Dolphin Show:
Little Brian and Kenny |
Little Kenny bought the boys dippin dots, which they enjoyed ... sometimes more than the show! I would look over to see their expression and their heads were in the cups! lol
Jacob |
Love Jacob's expression here! |
We sat in the splash zone... seriously thats the only way to go!!
Kenny used Little Brian as a shield so he wouldn't get soaked...
And Little Brian just figured out he was Uncle Kenny's shield! LOL
Jacob, Little Kenny and Brian - right after the splash |
And then this one splashed us....
Little Brian was so funny he squealed and proclaimed that he had his mouth open when we got splashed!
Jacob checking out the Pink Flamingos |
Kenny, Brian, My mom and Little Brian |
We fed the Bat Rays.... well most of us did! Little Brian and Kenny's friend wouldn't try it. Their loss, because it is a really cool experience! You have to put a dead fish in between your fingers and lay your hand flat, palm up in the ice cold water and wait for the Bat Ray to come vacuum it out of your hand!
Jacob |
Brian |
My mom! |
My mom was cute after she tired. She shrieked and shook her hand and said ewwww, that was so weird! Jacob of course was fearless and petting them as they came by ! The feel like wet suits or something...
Little Kenny tried too, but I didn't get a picture.
We just had to see Shamu so we went to see the show One Ocean... if you thought the splash zone was dangerous at the Dolphin show you would be very surprised how SOAKED you can get by Shamu!!
Little Brian and Little Kenny |
And you get soaked more thank once...
Jacob and Little Kenny |
Kenny laughing at his soaked friend |
Brian with an ice cold, wet shirt! |

Since we were already soaked we decided to hit Shipwreck Rapids... The wait time was supposed to be 75 minutes but it turned into almost 2 hours! We voted on waiting for this ride (my vote was no BTW) and I just couldn't see waiting for one attraction so long!! I was intrigued to ride this ride, since Kenny and I missed it last time around, but I say it was not worth the wait! One plus was that Little Brian really liked this ride! It was so cute to see him so excited about a ride for once! We asked Jacob if he liked it and he yelled, " NO!" threw his chattering little teeth!
We used the huge driers to get a little relief but we were still soaked to the bone!
My mom was hungry (she is diabetic remember) when we started the line... By the time we finished the ride she was so sick! She decided she was done for the day.

She felt so bad like she was ruining our day or something, but really we were all DOG tired, wet and sun soaked! I really wanted Jacob to see the Octopus in the aquarium before we left so Little Kenny was the hero of the moment and took him through the aquarium. He loved it of course and told me all about it!
While we were walking toward the exit Little Brian became very concerned to find out that his grandma was sick. He told her he would take care of her and he was done at the park too. He has such a big heart! I love that kid!!

Once my mom got some food in her belly and some of our Dr. Pepper she perked up a little bit. We still had the front of the line pass and she really wanted us to use it. Little Kenny, his friend and Jacob caught up to us just in time and Little Kenny, his friend, Kenny, Brian and I ran over to ride the Journey to Atlantis ride .. again.
Jacob was a champ and wanted to sit in front again! This time he sat with his dad. We all got pretty soaked... when the ride was coming to an end, Jacob yelled, "That was NOT awesome!" and again he was freezing cold. I think if it weren't for the water he would have liked it just fine. I still think he is awesome for trying it even if her wouldn't do it again.
We made our way to the car to get the Little boys into dry clothes... I switch Jacob into a PJ top, his brothers dirty underwear and pants and he was happy as can be!
That night my mom stayed in so she could recoup a little more and the rest of us headed out to Applebees... For some reason our group has the hardest time getting good service... we waited forever for our food and we had to ask a manager for our check... the boys were SO tired... Little Brian put his head on the table and said, "When do we sleep??" Ha ha Aunt Amanda was able to tucker him out!!
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