I like writing about daily events... the simple stuff... funnies from the boys, little things that happen that I want to remember... so many things are just forgotten when you don't write them down.... here is the mundane that we have been up to!
Last Monday I woke up and was thinking, 'There is nothing good about today... just a boring old day.' But I had forgot about our new monitors! Everyone in underwriting now has TRIPLE monitors! Its crazy, but actually necessary for our jobs. I always have multiple programs open and have to toggle back and forth... now I can leave them up full screen! Its great, but a little overwhelming at first!
After Yoga I stopped by the Taylor's house for a quick visit and got to see their newest addition... They named them Brian Jr. Jr and Jacob Jr....
OH and I got my Foodie Pen Pal Box (I actually got it earlier but we weren't aloud to post about it until Monday 04/30)
My Pen Pal was SO awesome. She is from New York and got me lots of local goodies. Have you ever heard of sponge candy... well seek it out because it is amazing! I also got GRAPE licorice which is dangerously addicting. Local New York honey, some BBQ sauce and a muffin mix I haven't tried yet. This is my last month participating because of cost, but it was a fun idea!
Tuesday, my friend Jackie came back to work after been gone for almost a month in Africa! I read her blog while she was gone, but there was so much more to talk about and questions I had. Its all really fascinating. I did a paper on AIDS in Africa during my last year of college and it was really sad to hear what a reality that is for the people there. I was interested to hear about the orphanage she visited that Kenny and I saved change for earlier this year as well. Amazing work people are doing there.
After work and piano I went to the 10 card extravaganza in down town Glendale. I made a few cards and just took my time (so unlike me). It was a nice mental break.
Wednesday Kenny and I went to Yoga and when I got home I was surprised with several packages! Seeds I had ordered from Chrissy, my cousin for a charity her son doing. I ordered bleeding hearts and Mexican shell flowers! I cannot wait to get them planted and growing!
I also got a cute pin cushion/caddy from my swap partner, the paper lanterns I ordered and a book I ordered from Amazon. Good mail day!
Thursday Kenny went to the dentist and got a perfect review as always! We did family night/Bible study at my parents house this week, so Kenny and I rode our bikes over.
We watched a Joyce Meyer DVD and had a short discussion. After wards we played with the boys and had them try some yoga moves... it was super entertaining! Jacob is pretty flexible!
This will probably be our last Bible study night. It just doesn't feel like anyone is into it anymore or wants to be there.
Friday night Kenny and I went to yoga (are you sick of hearing that?) and my brother came over for a quick visit to talk things out. I know it was hard for him to do that, but it meant a lot. Hope we can all get back on track now. I showed him the lanterns I bought for our Grandma's memorial and I accidentally ripped one. He suggested we use the ripped one for a trial run. We were all surprised how big they were! It took a while to fill up with hot air, but one it did it was it floated quickly away into the night sky. I expected them to float and sort of stay in front of us, but it was GONE... probably several miles away! They are beautiful, but I am nervous about setting them off now! Don't want to be responsible for a huge forest fire!

Saturday morning we did the mud run (see separate post) and had lunch at Chipotle afterward. I was pretty uncomfortable since I had brought a change of clothes, but not underthings.... ugh. We stopped at Ikea in Tempe... it was fun to look around, but I can't see what all the fuss is about.
When we got home I discovered Hope's latest kill...
That Afternoon, I went shopping for Cactus with my dad. He was so cute when we were walking out the door he says to my mom, "I get to go to my favorite store with Amanda." We had a good time and I got way more supplies than I needed : )
I watched the boys that evening while Kenny and my brother went to see a movie. I tried to entertain the boys with an experiment I had seen on pinterest.... you microwave a bar of soap and it turns into a huge cloud.... well I missed the part where it had to be a Ivory Soap... ours fluffed up a little bit and then started smoking and burning.... The boys were entertained ! lol
We watched the super moon that night too. It didn't look much different than a regular full moon.
Sunday morning while Kenny went out to Buckeye to work on his mom's yard. I went shopping with my parents for the boys. My dad bought the boys a bunch of new outfits they desperately needed. When we walked out of Kolh's the boys thanked my dad and said he was awesome. My dad replied bad that they were awesome and Little Brian said, "You are awesomer" So cute. After shopping we went to Red Robin for lunch. Later that afternoon, my mom and I went to Blair's pampered chef party.
We started all over again Monday with Yoga.
Tuesday Jackie and I went to Crop Girls for a make and take and then to Carolina's for some Tacos at lunch.
Wednesday my boss stuck up for me on an account and I got a perfect sox file! Great day at work!! After work Kenny and I went to Hot Yoga for some Pranayama and Savasanas! I love the benefits of Yoga! I have less headaches, softer skin, clearer skin and am more flexibility! I am toning up and slowly loosing weight.
Another treasured tidbit from Tuesday: I loved all these FB comments about my brother's mud run photo
Jackie Stender Kennell and Samantha Delagarza Kimbrough like this.
AwWw, I'm glad u have ur sister.
I'm so happy 4 u Brian. U deserve 2 be very happy always. Yes, that's all the matters is having fun with the people u love most. :)
May 9 at 8:31pm · · 1
Thursday night I don't think I ever laughed so hard in my entire life... I discovered a black widow problem on the the side of our house we use for storage. My co-worker, Donna, told me about Spider Hunting... basically you go out in the dark of night , with a flash light and something to smash bugs with and you will find them in the middle of their webs. Well I am not about to go smashing black widows, but we told my brother about it and he was game!
My brother lead us down the side of the house, flip flop in hand as I shined the light on the webs and Kenny followed behind us. He killed about 7 Black Widows between our hysterical laughing, yelling and joking.
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