I have seen the Woman's Expo advertised for years and always wanted to go and finally got the opportunity this year! Livingsocial.com had a 4 for 1 deal for admission, so my co-workers Donna, Becky, Kim and I made a day of it!
The giveaways were unbelievable! Grocery bags, backpacks, chap-sticks, mini mirrors, post-its, pens, chip clips, drink koozies and candy. My favorite was a motivational bracelet from a new company called Lakshmi. Not only was the bracelet super cute AND free, but it the idea is to assign a specific goal and time frame to the bracelet and the company will follow up with motivational e-mails to remind you of your goal and keep you going... great idea! Don't know if they will make money at it, but I like the idea for personal use with an accountability partner. I set my goal to finish CPCU by December 12th of this year... we will see if I feel more motivated to finish my goal now: )
With each admission ticket you got a passport for the show that included 5 free sampling booths for adult beverages. I tried the Adult Chocolate Milk and Hpnotiq (my favorite!), but passed on the champagnes and wines (wine gives me a headache). There were plenty of things to sample that didn't require the passport like Luna Bars (the new mint chocolate chip flavor is amazing) and Go Girl energy drinks- SO yummy but not sure it gave me a lot of energy... There were a few weird items to sample too like tons of different weight loss smoothies and other things.
We stopped to sample Touch of Mink and ALL four of us ended up buying the package deal! Touch of Mink is a skin care product that has been around for over 40 years that uses mink oil in their product. It is a miracle product let me tell you! I love it and Becky has used the product for years and years... I couldn't believe the results on my poor heals! Awesome. The four of us also purchased a bottle of Touch of Purple. It is basically an all purpose cleaner... it can be used for everything from costume jewelry to boats. Now not all of the products were so great. I let one vendor try a microdermabrasion home tool on my face... um it hurt. I have sun spots and I thought why not try... its a little scary when you try something out like that and have negative results- all is well now though! I also had my make-up done at the Dior counter. Although I wasn't impressed by their spray foundation (that really didn't match my skin tone) or their 3D mascara (which was quite clumpy) I did really like their Lip Glow product! It is basically a lip gloss or chapstick that is designed to enhance the natural pigment in your lips so it looks different on each person. If it wasn't $29 a tube I would have bought some!
I also signed Kenny and I up for a time share presentation. People think I am crazy for doing those... but come onnnnn you get FREE Stuff just for listening to a 90 min commercial. Most of the time they talk about travel and vacationing... they are actually pretty interesting if you ask me. This time we will be getting 2 free Sedona Jeep tours for our 90 mins. I am really excited about it! We also might attend a Sandles Resort night next month at Black Bear Diner... you get a free meal and get to learn all about what the resorts have to offer... how can you beat that?? I would rather listen to what someone has to say than google a company and read it online. Jereme and Melodi are going to Jamaica on their honeymoon to a Sandles resort and Kenny and I were already considering the company for our 10th anniversary trip in 2013... why not get a free meal out of it! ??
If you want to have a home party the women's expo is the place to find your vendor! They had ALL of the jewelry companies, bags, candles, make-up, tupperwear etc. I found a company that will do home pampering parties! The services such as pedicure, facial, manicure etc are all FREE! The catch is at the end of the party you have the opportunity to buy the products they used- no obligation though! I thought they must be crazy to do that, but she said, no they are just confident in their product... I will probably be having a pampering party in December!
The last thing we checked out was the Lap Dance seminar put on by this company ... sounds bad, but its not like you take lessons like this for a profession its just for your personal love life. Nyla the instructor was awesome and had us all laughing the whole time... I think a small group of us might get together for a class or two just for fun.
Although, we were all exhausted by the time we got to the car, it was a wonderful day! I just love learning about new things that are out there and having fun with the girls- the retail therapy didn't hurt either!
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