This camping trip had been planned for almost a month... but even the most perfect plans cannot predict natural disaster. As a result of the resent forest fires, the area we normally camp, Forest Lakes, had been shutdown for the holiday weekend! This caused Kenny and I some heartburn because we had already taken the trailer up to Forest Lakes. Plus we now only have one truck and cannot haul the quads and the travel trailer in the same trip... what to do?

Fortunately, everything worked out just fine! My mom borrowed my dad's truck and hauled a quad up and Kenny and I pulled a quad up on a trailer and loaded the bed up with trailer stuff. Then when we picked up the travel trailer in Forest Lakes we moved the quad into the bed and put all the supplies into the travel trailer. It took Kenny and I 6 hours of driving, but it was worth it to make the trip happen. We were lucky enough to have some old friends save us a spot up in Flagstaff. The Thompson's are a family friends from my old LDS church. Their daughter, Candice and I were practically inseparable in 6th- 8th grade and as a result our parents became friends and their youngest son Jonathan was even the ring bearer in Mine and Kenny's wedding! Anyway, we camped with their group which was an absolute blast!
We did some riding right away on Friday and found it was VERY try and DUSTY! You couldn't go on a ride without coming back covered in dust- exhibit A:
Kenny Kruger and Kenny Kuhn |
Exhibit B:
Brian |
We had a nice little camp spot -
Little Kenny chose to stay in a tent not the trailer...
Our neighbor at the camp ground built a zipline through the camp ground!! They were super nice and after Jeff's lead I tried out the line. It was really fun, but a little nerve racking just because it was a homemade line and made mostly for kids...
For meals we all decided to take turns cooking. The men (Kenny, Brian and Little Kenny) each made a dinner and mom and I took care of breakfast (although we left a day early so she lucked out of cooking).
When I went to use the stove we realized we had another bird nest in the vent!

That afternoon Little Kenny, Kenny and I took a ride with Jeff and Jonathan and a few others to do a little repelling. I haven't repelled (except at an indoor rock climbing gym or at the ziplining place in CO) for almost 14 years. When I was 14ish I went on a day trip with the church and had a pretty bad accident. After repelling down the cliff I was climbing back up to the top and neglected to hold onto the rope... I ended up tumbling about 30 feet head over feet down the rocks headed toward a cliff. Luckily Jack Mecham was standing at the base of that area right before the cliff and stopped me from going over. I really don't know how far down the cliff was that I would have fallen off of, but it was enough that I would have been seriously hurt...
Anyway, it was very cool to get to do it again today. The rock we repelled off of was only about 30 feet high, so it was a good one to start out on.
Little Kenny after the long dusty ride to the repelling spot |
Jeff setting us up |
See my brand? We were that dirty... |
Little Kenny giving it a try |

While the Kennys relaxed - My mom and I spent some time over at Stargret's place and worked on crafts. Jonathan had precut wood stars and squares for us to decorate with paint, pattern paper and other embellishments It was really fun thing to do on a camping trip! ( I swear our trips will never be the same after the trip with them : ) )
I of course want to do everything so we were off within an hour to our next adventure : The Cave!
Don't you love our outfits? This was our attempt to keep the dust out of our faces!
Brian |
Kenny and I |
Here is our group after the long ride, rough ride to the cave:
Little Kenny, Mom, Kenny, Me and Brian |
Little Kenny heading on into the Cave |
Kenny, Little Kenny and Brian taking a rest in the cave |
Kenny |
Saturday night's sunset |
We were out playing with the dogs in the field and the guys started playing football with the dogs. It was pretty comical !

Saturday night Stargret hosted a desert bar! It was really fun! Everyone brought a dessert and we all pigged out on sweets. Then it was time for a few games of LCR. If you aren't familiar basically you have 3 dice and they either have an L, R , C or a dot on each side. You start with 3 items (quarters, dollars, cookies whatever) and if you roll an L you move one item to your left, if you roll and R you move it to your right, a C moves to move to the center and a dot means you keep it. You do this until one person has one item and that person wins the entire pot. It is super fun how excited people get about it... I even won one round! Woot woot!
Sunday was a riding day-
Little Kenny |
Me |
Me |
Little Kenny |
I am pretty much a beginner when it comes to my quading skills and I am constantly getting hurt... Saturday for example I went full throttle UP a jump and threw myself over the handle bars... It knocked the wind out of me and really shook me up. Little Kenny was super patient with me and helped me to do a great (safe) jump! We had a great time out riding together! I just can't wait till he moves here!
Little Kenny |
We decided to beat some of the traffic and head home on Sunday afternoon. But is was such a great trip and I was so happy to have my mom there with all of us. I hope we can do it again soon!
Toby chilling at camp |
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