Kenny and I picked up the boys Saturday around noon. Our first stop on our big Easter adventure weekend was lunch. We picked Chick-fil-a because it was near the theater, but gave ourselves waaaay too much time. Luckily they had an indoor play land and the boys loved all the extra play time! The boys were off playing and Kenny got US ice cream... we had intentions of sharing, but they always just let it melt all over and don't eat very much so we didn't order them their own. Anyway, Jacob caught us and you should have seen the stare down we got when he saw the ice cream... he said, "Whatcha got?" I replied, "Ice cream, want some?" He just kept staring and then ran back into the play land. It was pretty comical.
Jacob and Little Brian |
On our way out the door Little Brian said, "Today is so much fun, lunch, playing and now the moodies!" He wanted to know where the DVD player was... we said no this is a theater with a really big TV and he said, "You have a big TV" I laughed and said this one is huge and as big as the wall! We have taken them to the movie before, but I guess he forgot. I have been wanting to take them to see HOP and when I won some AMC passes at work that sealed the deal! The movie was cute, but the boys lost interest a little in the middle and yawned loudly ( I thought it was funny).
Jacob, Little Brian and Me |
After the movie we stopped by my grandma's to visit with her and had hoped to see Uncle Rick, Aunt Mei-lan, Jason and Hana, but they were out when we came by. When we tell the boys the next stop on the agenda is grandma's house Little Brian asks, "My grandma or my dad's grandma?" I don't think he grasps the great-grandma part yet. We made our visit short so maybe grandma could get a nap in before everyone got back to the house.
We picked up a Pizza and headed home for the night. The boys played a few hours of wii (goodness they love that game!) and we had popcorn and watch Tangled.
Jacob |
Sunday morning the boys woke up at 6:30 AM! They were pretty excited to see if the Easter Bunny had left them a basket... The Easter bunny has always HIDE the baskets at my house, but that was not the case at Kenny's house... any who... He hides it at our house so the boys looked and looked until Jacob finally spotted them and his eyes lit up!
Jacob and Little Brian |
Kenny and I also got a basket from the Easter bunny! (AKA The Kennels)
They played with their toys and we colored eggs. Jacob was the only one that could figure out how to get the glitter on the eggs. He did great -
Jacob |
Kenny got up around 8, but wasn't feeling very good. He had a bad reaction to the antibiotic he had taken for his earache. He didn't seem to worried, but I asked him to go to Urgent Care just in case (heck its the same copay as a doctor so better safe than sorry). They gave him 3 more prescriptions and said he should be feeling better by mid week. Poor guy.
We went to the FREE carnival at Radiant for a couple hours and the boys were pretty well behaved, except when Little Brian told me to buy him a snow cone... I told him, no. He asked why and I told him you don't tell people to buy you things that is rude. He sincerely apologized, but I still didn't buy him one. Other than that, they had a great time playing in the inflatable jumping things, trying out the different carnival games and a few rides.
Little Brian |
Little Brian |
Jacob |
Little Brian |
me and the scared boys on the Ferris wheel |
As the morning went on the lines got longer and longer, so we waited in quiet a line for the Farris wheel. Jacob was pretty nervous about going, but was brave and went up anyway. He was pretty scared when we got up high, but I put my arm around his waist and he was fine (quiet but fine). Little Brian loved it!
After the carnival we drove out to Buckeye for an Easter Lunch and egg hunt at Barb's house. We had some giant eggs that I wanted to try out... pretty much none of the kids, except Zack, were impressed by them but the adults liked em!
Zack |
Emma |
I feel bad about the egg hunt, because Little Brian and Jacob were crazy good at running around finding all the eggs it didn't leave much for Zack, Emma and Matt (although we did make all the big eggs off limits for them).
Jacob |
Emma |
Little Brian |
Matt |
When Zack opened one of the big eggs and found a big truck Little Brian remarked, "You got to be kidding me, all I got was jelly beans in my eggs!" I was ticked and reminded him all that the Easter Bunny brought him... he said, "Oh yeah" He is such a sweet kid I guess I am just surprised when he says stuff like that...
Emma |
Kenny even got a basket from the Easter Bunny.. this is the same one he has had ALL 30 of his years!!
Playing :
Zack, Little Brian and Jacob being pulled by Kenny |
Barb made a delicious ham dinner with cheese potatoes, green beans (made by Sarah), deviled eggs and rolls! Yummo! We were running short on time because we had to get the boys home and missed the cake, but I bet it was great too. Both boys questioned where we were off to next and didn't like my answer that it was time to go home. Jacob got a big ol' quivering lip and said, "Why?" and looked like he might cry. It was SO sweet and cute. I said don't you miss, your mom, dad, Billy etc? And he said, "No." They both fell asleep on the way home.
It was about 4PM when we got home on Sunday and we were hanging around watching TV and fell asleep for a 3 hour nap! I guess we were both wore out from the busy weekend!
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