This weekend was to be devoted entirely to preparing for our exams and we even took Monday off to seal the deal. Study, Study, Study , die ...
Friday night Barb took us out to a nice dinner at Rio Mirage Mexican food so we wouldn't have to waste time cooking.
Saturday evening the Ross family came over for a welcomed break!
I seriously have not been able to take a good picture of Zack lately... this is the face he gave when I asked him to smile...
Sunday we did go to the Suns game to watch them lose, but then it was back to studying...
By Monday night I was SOOO sick of these cards:

Everyone was so sure this time I would pass... people were encouraging us on FB and via text messages. I was sure too. I was getting 90% on the practice exams. I thought it was in the bag, so when I clicked the grade button and : NON-PASS
I was shocked.The last time I took this test my grandpa had just died so needless to say I had a lot on my plate. This time we registered for our tests and a few days later my brother and his boys moved in.... Anyway I could make a lot of excused on why we didn't pass... bud we didn't Now I get to spend $400 on the retake- yippee : (
What a bummer you didn't pass. Just think, you will pass next time & know your stuff even better from studying longer:)