A few years ago I saw this idea for a count down to Christmas and I just loved it and wanted to make it a tradition to do with our kids someday... While that someday hasn't come I really wanted to put this idea to use; SO I did it for our Godchildren! We looked all over for Christmas books and collected 24 of them. Some of them pop-up books, some of them used, but all of them different and all of them are Christmas stories. The idea is to encourage family time of reading PLUS it is fun to open the a gift and learn different Christmas stories... helps get in the spirit too! I added my own twist and included snacks and goodies for Mom and Dad too : ) I hope it goes well and Zack enjoys doing it each day. OOOH and if you are planning on doing this too... remember to number the gifts to count DOWN to Christmas. We put the numbers to correlate to the dates so it is a count UP to Christmas...
Here is Kenny all dressed up for delivery (good sport, huh?) I told him to sling that box over his shoulder to make it more realistic lol.
Here is us with the kiddos
Emma thought reading each night was a good idea ; )
How things change... remember when Kenny was too afraid to hold the babies?
You two are so cute! And what a fun tradition. I love books & way to stetch out the holiday fun!