Yesterday Zack Ross our little God Son turned 2! Wow does time fly!
In retrospect I really wish we would have brought our nephews to Zack's party. This was my favorite kid party ever! Kenny and I really enjoyed everything they did and the weather couldn't have been nicer for a midsummer party.
I took almost 400 pictures so I don't feel like I am posting "too many" since I am posting just about 10% of what I took!
Kim and the B-day boy!
Sarah and Zack

Joanna and Andy (they are such characters!)
Andy and Joanna (note the fork- lol)
Kenny and Sponge Bob- AKA Bob Bob to all small children!
Me, Sarah, Emma, Barb and Matt
One of my favorite things about going to Michelle's house is there are always plenty of kids to go around! Although, today their was a house full so people were fighting over the twins a little...
Beautiful Emma
Emma's monkey face
Emma totally passed out!
Matt with a grin
Matt (notice even they were decked out in Sponge Bob clothes?)
AND even Sponge Bob showed up to the Party! Trevor and Michelle had to hug him to show Zack it was okay.
Michelle, Sponge Bob, Zack and Trevor (not sure the who the kid in the red shirt was)
Sponge Bob with the twins!
Chris, Sponge Bob and Brittany
Barb, Sarah, Sponge Bob, Nanette and Zack
Kenny and I with Sponge Bob
I don't know why but they told us to kiss him... look at Zack in the background.
Zack hugging him good-bye
And then there was the bounce house! When they aired it up Zack squealed with delight!

Him and Michelle got in to try it out

Even Nanette got in!
Later Barb got in with us.... (hope she doesn't kill me for posting this picture)
great for kids of all ages- Trevor
We were beat after about 15 mins in there!
Later we opened gifts-
I will tell you Zack is such a fun kid to give gifts to! He just squeals with delight about practically everything.
we were all in stitches watching him open, laugh, squeal and say thank you (I don't even know how to type the cute way he says thank you)
After the gifts there was a scavenger hunt for the kids. They all loved it! Look at them running to the next clue-
this was the last clue that led them to....
this! the treasure was a bag of goodies (good stuff too) for each kid!
Next was the pinata-
Here is Kenny hanging it (looks like he is making out with him)
Zack took a few swings
and then let his cousins take a few.... before Chris could hit is the string broke and down he came!
so they just broke it and dumped the candy out!
Time for cake!
we all sang
and I hope he made a wish...
I really enjoyed your blog! Wheres my pic? Love you guys, Susie