We met my brother and his family at Christown (or Spectrum but it will always be Christown to us!) and rode the light rail downtown to the stadium.

Little Brian was fascinated by riding the "train"

Our seats were up in the "cheap seat" but we didn't care and still had a great view of the game. My brother had gotten 4 free tickets so we just bought 3 of the $9 tickets and sat with them... I really enjoy doing this kind of thing, but my brother's family is so big and with them being unemployed sometimes it is hard for us to pick up the tab. Tonight was such a perfect night! We only spent $44 (which is less than what we paid for 1 ticket when we went last month with Jason). We brought all our own snacks and drinks and it worked out perfectly. We were less stressed about buying $5 fountain soda or hot dogs for 7 people and could easily enjoy the evening.

Cheesy smile Jacob and I

Not sure what he was doing but it was entertaining...

I was trying SO hard to get us on the jumbotron and finally saw this camera guy... He asked if we wanted to do the kiss cam-- um YES!

Jacob climbed in my lap 30 seconds before they did our "shot"....

Little Brian was more than a little disappointed he wasn't on the big TV.


Crissy (12)

I love that the boys wanted to sit on our laps most of time :)

Little Brian tried everything to get on the jumbotron... dancing, showing his muscles...

Jacob with more silliness

The boys got a little tired toward the end of the game

I love how Jacob is so loving

The last part of the game was the most exciting! In the 9th inning they scored 2 runs to tie up the score and ended up winning in the 10th inning!
After the game they opened the roof for some fireworks.

Jacob was intrigued by the opening of the roof

and so was little Brian

When we were walking to the light rail from stadium, talking, laughing and carrying on my brother walked straight into a parking meter... we were all in stitches (even my brother once the sting wore off).
Amazing night!