I have sorta stopped putting a whole lot of time into this blog because I felt like no one was really reading it... although my page counter says otherwise. Anyway, a friend of mine uses her blog as a journal... and I really like that. So I will start trying to do better on keeping up with my blogging for personal history.
would have been really fun to get Tony and Janesse and maybe even April, Zach and their spouses to come have ice cream with us, but I didn't think of that until it was too late.

A girl I work with, also named Amanda is getting married in just a few weeks. SO naturally a few of us girls felt compelled to through her a Bridal Shower.

It's been a great 10 years and I know I couldn't have picked a better partner, Kenny is perfect for me. In 10 years we have...been married for 6 years, both graduated with BS degrees from ASU, bought
two houses, bought 10 cars, lost loved ones, got "real"jobs, made friends and lost friends, traveled to a dozen states, adopted 4 dogs and had to put one down, had roommates, been roomates, become aunt and uncles, search and search and finally found a church we love, gone through family crises together, loved, laughed and lived! And we still love each other!
In other news... the first radish has appeared in the garden... and I ate it ! Yummm. Only half of our garden sprouted and I am not sure what happened, but I think I will get some tomato plants to fill in the empty space.
A girl I work with, also named Amanda is getting married in just a few weeks. SO naturally a few of us girls felt compelled to through her a Bridal Shower.
I wish I had more pictures to share, but basically I have this one of the poster I made. I used my cricket for the letters and some sparkles from the dollar store to make the "bling". She really liked it and has it hanging in her cubical.
The shower was SO nice! My friend Jackie gave us all assignments of what foods to bring and we ended up with a delicious catered type lunch. Amanda got so much stuff she couldn't fit it all in her little car (its a little 2 seater).
Amanda is new to AZ and didn't really want to have a shower and impose on her work buddies, but I really encouraged her to have one... my bridal shower is one of my favorite memories. My mom and Blair thru mine and we just had sub sandwiches and some sides nothing fancy. It was at my parents house and I remember the living room was just full of girls. I was really surprised how many people came. I remember being so tickled when they played game where you design a wedding dress out of TP and my grandma was the model. And I remember being SO embarrassed when I opened the lingerie items. I still have the cookie sheet Lola gave me and the cookie jar my Aunt Barbara gave me with the coupon to refill any time with a visit. I loved all the lotions, recipes, towels etc that I received. What I especially loved about that day... being showered with love, advice, well wishes etc. I think every bride should have a bridal shower...
All this wedding talk got me thinking about our wedding and my wedding dress... As I was cleaning out the closets I came across my dress... I tried it on, but I couldn't zip it. I told Kenny "Oh come on just zip it!" and he tried... and tried but the fabric was about 2 inches from even touching, it was pretty comical actually. Anyway, I asked him to take some pictures of me just for fun... here are some.
After I saw the pictures it really made me want to go on a diet...
This last weekend Kenny and I had a yard sale. I really wanted to be successful so I handed out fliers to all the neighbors to get them to join in... out of 42 houses 5 others joined us. Doesn't seem like a lot, but Kenny and I aren't the most social people so we met more neighbors that day than the other 4 1/2 years we lived here! Our friends Jereme and Blair brought some stuff over and hung out too. Jereme made us some delicious cinnamon rolls from scratch which my mom and I agreed they were the best we ever had. It was a nice day out so the guys (my dad, Jereme and Kenny) ended up ditching us to play golf, but we were fine with sitting back and chatting. I ended up making $55, Blair $40 and Jereme $30... not bad, but really my biggest success was getting Kenny to clean out his closet! The man saves everything!! It looks so much better now : )
Well, I think that is everything...
Hey Amanda! I sooo didn't know you had a blog. I love catching up with fellow WHS alumni that have one. I ran across yours from Catherine's page. Cute blog! Keep it up!