Yesterday we took our nephews to Matthew's (Blair's son) birthday party. Little Brian was really happy to see us, but Jake took a while to warm up to us (since we hadn't seen them in 6 weeks). We picked up my mom and
visited a little with my dad- the boys were so happy to see their grandparents! It was cute. On the way out Blair's house Jacob fell asleep in the car... so he was a little

cranky ... and threw a fit (full on screaming, threw himself on the ground etc) when we got to Blair's. He was pretty much cranky the whole time... I let him drink a

whole orange soda which he thought was delicious. Little Brian is SO social and just disappeared into the crowd with the kids and had a blast.
Blair rented a sponge Bob bounce house which I thought the boys would just love since they love Sponge Bob and the bounce house type things... but I was wrong they hated it. We tried to make them go in and show them how fun it was... nope another fit. Little Brian ran off with his new friends and Jake cried.
Even thought it wasn't our favorite visit we still treasure any time we get with the boys.

I think it's neat you were able to spend some time with your nephews, 6 weeks seems so long with growing kids. I have days like that too, where the kids are really grumpy and you just want them to have fun and play. I'm sure that had to be frustrating, but hopefully next time will be easier. :)