Saturday (01/07/09) morning we (Ken,Brian, the boys and I) decided to try out the new light rail here in town. We met at
Christown Mall and parked two perfectly good cars in the lot and took the "train" down town (
Phx) to Chase Field where the Diamondbacks play. They had
Diamondbacks Day where you could walk

down on the field and catch fly balls, bat, run the bases, get
autographs etc. We checked it out but realized it was more for older kids so we headed over to Heritage Park where there was a car show-- Motoring
thru Time-- They had everything from model T's to hot sports cars-- all the guys loved it. Then we walked over to Hooters for lunch-

- the men loved that. While we were there we ran into a

couple we used to play softball with which was kinda fun to see them. After lunch it was time to head back so we caught the light rail... made it
thru a the first few stops... then the fun began. They lost power and we were stuck downtown, inside the train. There was a ruff looking man who started throwing a fit saying "Open the doors, open the doors its an emergency" Well there was no power and I guess they couldn't open the doors... then the man thought it would be a good idea to kick open the doors.... when he did this it started a confrontation between two older men and him. The two men happen to be standing right by Kenny and Jake... Finally the doors opened and the man walked out and
strolled away. About 15 minutes later we were told we had to get off the broken train and wait for another one to pick us up. All and all we were stuck for about 40
mins on Phoenix's new billion dollar light rail... We missed have of Kenny's softball game, but he still got to bat once.
That night we went out to dinner with a few people from Kenny's softball team to a place called the Golden Coral. Its a buffet and actually had really good food.
Saturday night I made these fun Cars pillow cases and bought them some new pillows for Valentines. Also, I finished my heart table runner-- just in time to display it for Valentine's week!!

Sunday, My mom, Kenny and I all met my brother and the boys at a park to play. It was a lot of fun until the
incident... My bro and I thought it would be funny to swing on the baby swings... well were doing that and Jacob decided he wanted me and came running right at me... I couldn't stop and swung right into him. Knocked him right down and gave him a big
ol mark on his forehead... I felt terrible. Before long he was back to playing and laughing.

What a busy weekend. Your pillow cases are so cute. I haven't rode the lite rail yet but I would like to try it someday.