So Friday night we went out to my MIL's house for her neighborhood
Bunko night and had a blast!! The plan was that Kenny would work on his
"honey do list" for his grandma and mom while we played the game (his idea). The group was one person short so we asked Kenny to join us... 11 women and Kenny! He was so great though and the ladies really enjoyed having him. It was such a great night full of laughter, smiles and conversation. Kenny said is was so good to see his Nana have such a good time and it has been too long time since he has seen her have so much fun. It was really great for my MIL too, just to have people around and have a good time. Kenny and I both won prizes too! I got $20 for getting the most bunkos (6 total!!) and Kenny won $1 for loosing the most games (27/36). It was so much fun and I am already looking forward to next month's Bunko night!!
How fun! I've always wondering how bunko is played. Yeah, Kenny's a pretty good sport about stuff