Halloween is my brother and Crystal's anniversary so we offered to babysit the boys so they could go on a date (plus we adore the boys).
It was a fun night... both boys ended up passing out on the couch and Uncle Kenny carrying them into their room.
In the morning we got up bright and early and took the boys to Wal-mart to Jake some new shoes. We got him some with velcro so he could put them on himself and let Little Brian pick one thing... he chose a Transformers book and I was so proud of him! He is taking such an interest in reading now. Then we took the boys to McDonalds for an early lunch and play time. They loved it.
Thankfully my mom watched the boys all day (although my dad wasn't to happy to have the interruption of his Sunday football/nap time) while Kenny and I went to our friend's wedding. She had a lot of fun with them working on puzzles and playing tic tac toe. Little Brian told my mom he wished Jacob had a grandma too, because he loved her. She told him she was Jacob's grandma too and he was shocked. Pretty cute what kids come up with.
That evening we took the kids to our church's Trunk or Treat. It was huge! We only got down one isle and Little Brian told me they had too much candy and were tired.
I was SO excited to run into our little niece Genna!! My brother's ex-wife Nikki lives in the area and just happen to be taking advantage of Radiant's Trunk or Treat too! Here is a picture of Genna and all her brothers-
Jacob (3), Little Brian (5), Genna (8) and Bryton (5) (Nikki and Frank's son)