I was SO looking forward to this weekend and spending some time with the boys. I picked them up on Saturday afternoon. We went to church, picked up some pizza and headed home. Little Brian did not want to be left in the childcare at church, but then when we got back he didn't want to leave! Radiant has such a great children's program and I knew they would love it!
The boys always want to go to our house (they say lets go to yous house) SO that was our plan. Just plain ol' staying home and playin'. We made cupcakes and cookies which was pretty darn fun, but oh so messy.

Here is Kenny helping them mix up the cake batter. The really funny part which I didn't get a picture of was how Little Brian cracked the eggs. He didn't just crack them he crushed them... and then we pulled the shells out.

Filling up the cupcakes. He was having so much fun, but I swear only half the batter made it into cupcakes... the rest was all over the pans, counter and... me and Jacob!

on to making cookies.

Finished cupcakes

Jacob shoved about 1/2 a bag of gummy bears in his mouth

decorating is serious business

Jacob decorating the love notes

All the guys wrestling
We headed out to deliver the boys baked goods to my parents, grandparents and their parents. First stop was my parents--

Little Brian and his grandpa.
When we drove up to the house both boys saw my dad sitting on the porch and they squealed "papa" when they saw him!

Jacob and his grandpa

more wrestling at my parents house

this looks like a hug, but really it was a" please body slam me..." ha ha

My grandparents and the boys. Brian was not smiling because he didn't like being interrupted from playing with his new toys my grandparents bought him.

This is pretty much what the end of all of their visits look like... Jacob sleeping and little Brian

asking if he can please stay with us and not go home.