Thursday, December 31, 2009
Card Sketch Challenge
An annual goal...
Today I am home sick... I slept most of the morning and now I can at least sit up without feeling sick. This stinks! This is NOT how I intended to spend New Years Eve... oh well I am making the best of it, watching Julie and Julia and catching up on my blog reading.
So I already shared my monthly project "bag" goals for 2010, but I also have a few annual goals.... like finishing this-
Well, I better get going- rest rest rest so maybe I can still have fun tonight!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wii bowlin'
Today Barb and Sarah came over and took us out for a nice lunch at Rio El Mirage (our favorite Mexican food place) and we "went bowling." Kenny and I are just loving our new Wii and bowling is our favorite by far! Barb beat us all the first game and I took the second game. We also tried out the tennis and golfing. Who knew video games could be SO much fun.
My Mom's B-day
Saturday was my mom's 55th Birthday and she decided (kinda spur of the moment) that she wanted to go horseback riding. SO... we did!
Mom and I
Our trail guide getting the horses ready
My mom mounting up... lol
She made it!
My dad on his horse
Kenny had the biggest horse
Mom on the ride!
Kenny and my dad
Mom ready to ride
Kenny on the horse my horse liked so much. We went for an hour trail ride out in the desert. It was a nice slow, leisurely ride and our trail guides were pretty good. I think we were looking for a little more excitement out of the ride, but I think everyone enjoyed it anyway.
We are all soar today... well worth it though!
Christmas Day
Christmas morning we slept in (for the first time ever!) and got up, gave the dogs their new toys, did our stockings and opened our gifts to each other. Kenny totally surprised me with a new lap top! I am super excited to have a dependable computer! He even loaded all my pictures and upgraded to Windows 7!
Later Barb and her friend came over and we played wii all morning. Kenny's mom brought the pups gifts and it was pretty cute to watch them open em'
Later we headed over to Nanette's house to visit. We had such a good time seeing all the kids and especially Zack. I am so disappointed I didn't bring my camera, because Zack has become SO animated! They told us he was a little crabby because they woke him up from his nap for us, but we thought he was great. He opened our gift (which was a little pair of overalls and a shirt) and he let out a huge grin and an "ooooooooooooooooowwww" when he saw it! Um Cute!! Also, he took Joanna (Andy's girlfriend)'s purse, put it over his shoulder and walked out to the garage saying "Bye!" The purse went down to his feet, it was so hilarious.
Next we stopped over at Tammy's house and then to my parents house. By the time we got home from all the visiting we were pooped, but I got a sudden burst of energy and undecorated the whole house! Kenny helped me move back the furniture, take down the tree and stack all the boxes back in the garage. I know it was super early, but I was just ready for Christmas to be over and life to be back to normal.
Christmas Traditions- Old and New
Kenny's dad used to send him a package every year and he would always open those gifts on Christmas Eve. When Kenny got to be a teenager his dad would always send him gift cards to the mall, movies, AppleBees etc and he would get things Kenny liked from Costco (ie Paydays, beef jerky, goldfish etc). Anyway, after Kenny's dad passed away I have kept up this tradition (on a much smaller scale)... so Christmas Eve night I let Kenny open up these goodies. 
I am totally stoked about the new tradition we started this year... we distributed stockings to a bunch of our family members. It was so much fun collecting the stocking stuffers and delivering them on Christmas Eve. We listened to Christmas music and drove all over town to deliver them. They went over really well and all the recipients we very excited for their stockings. This is a new tradition I hope to keep and expand next year.
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve Kenny, my parents and I went to my grandparents house for our Christmas. We did a potluck type dinner and a white elephant exchange for the adults. We all really enjoyed the White Elephant and I think it might be our new tradition for the adults rather than exchanging regular gifts. Everyone got a kick out of the chocolate poop my friend Jackie made, and got a good laugh out of most of the gifts.
Since my brother didn't feel the need to join us we decided to take Christmas to them. (Really I just couldn't let me nephews down and had to see them and take them their gifts).
So we loaded up the truck and took the food and gifts to his house. The boys were elated to see us (and all their gifts). We actually ended up having a really great time.
So we loaded up the truck and took the food and gifts to his house. The boys were elated to see us (and all their gifts). We actually ended up having a really great time.
Mom and Grandma
Grandma and Grandpa
Kenny and Dad (they were telling their golf story about crashing the cart into a tree... they were very tickled with themselves)
This is the aftermath of our gifts... ha ha
Little Brian - He was SO happy to see us!
Little Brian opening a gift
Kenny and Jacob
Little Brian and his bumble transformer
Brian and Crystal opening their gifts
Krissy and Jacob
Little Brian and his Optimas Prime and "bad boys cop"
Mom, Me and Krissy
Brian and his boys
Little Brian and Jacob
Brian (a true smile)
Charming Girls Secret Santa
I just joined this awesome group called Charming Girls. Each month they challenge you to set out the projects you plan to do for the month and if you complete them you get entered into a drawing for a gift card. It has already really motivated me to set some goals and get sewing again.
This month they also put on a Secret Santa Swap and this was what I received from my secret santa! -
Thank you Michelle for the awesome Kansas Troubles pin cushion, charm squares and magazine!
With the holidays I haven't spent much time in my sewing room... I have 6 projects to finish in just 4 days! May be sewing late on Thursday night (if we don't go out).
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 25, 2009
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