Saturday morning my mom and I went to visit with an old family friend and had such a wonderful time. Her son was the ring bearer at our wedding (almost 6 years ago), but I barely recognized him! They sure grow up fast! Stargret is one of those people who has such a happy, energetic and contagious spirit! She showed us all her current crafting projects and we got a tour of their awesome new home. She also shared with us a bunch of her samples of Heritage Makers products which is digital scrapbooking and SO much more-- check out the website- You can make scrapbooks, playing cards, greeting cards and tons of other neat things. She showed us how she took a 12X12 scrapbook page printed from heritage makers and modge podged it onto a tile (like for your floor) and then propped it up on an easel. I wish I had a picture to share but trust me it is super cute and would make a great gift! That's not all ! She also showed us these awesome magnet boards that she made out of 9X11 pieces of sheet metal from Home Depot! They were SO cute my mom and I promptly went to Home Depot for supplies on our way home. I will post a picture once I get one completed. I felt so inspired when we left and so did my mom. We ate a quick lunch and went to the scrapbooking store. We ended up signing up for a really fun class to make a holiday recipe book and the class includes a cookie exchange! I will post more about that with pictures after we take our class on the 10th--which we are both really looking forward to.
While we were doing this all day Kenny was spending a fun Saturday with his mom and grandma. They went out for breakfast and had a fun morning hanging out and getting things done on his "honey do" list. During the afternoon the 3 of them headed over to the Goodyear Swap Mart ( BTW I am so jealous I didn't get to go with them). They all had a good day too.
This evening we had my parents over for dinner and played the new "13" game we learned from our friends on Friday. My dad really liked it once he caught on, but mom beat us all! My dad also brought over some Wild Turkey-101 for Kenny to try and he actually really likes it!
We had a great holiday weekend but tomorrow it is back to work!! Hope everyone is well and hope to hear from you soon -- and yes I love to hear from you all by e-mail too : )