Hi Everyone-
How is everyone doing? It has been awhile since I have written. How was everyone's Mothers Day and Memorial Day? Any fun summer plans? Vacations or anything? Did everyone enjoy the excitement with the Suns in the playoffs? Too bad for this year, but there is always next year.
For Mothers Day we had an ice cream social for my mom and grandma. It was so nice that my brother came out with Baby Jacob!
Crystal couldn't make it as she was spending time with her daughter and took Little Brian along with her. We had so much fun loading up our homemade ice cream with toppings and treats! Then Kenny got to take his Mom out on Monday night for dinner and they had a nice time too.

On the Thursday before Memorial weekend we got a call from Barb telling us Kenny's grandpa Quint was in the hospital. He had been cutting wood and a piece flew in his face. Well, they didn't think anything of it until the next day when he slept all day long. A friend of theirs, who is a paramedic, came over to visit and said that he might have tetanus and they should take him to Payson. At first the doctors could not identify what exactly it was and many of the tests had to be sent to Phoenix. It was a long week which turned into weeks for Sarah, but finally they confirmed he had tetanus. Although, he gave us all a scare he is on the rode to recovery and staying at 67th and Thunderbird for the next two weeks. Your positive thoughts and prayers for him are appreciated!
Kenny has been traveling a lot for work. Mostly day trips to
Yuma, Tucson etc so the weekends are definitely a time to rest up! He is really enjoying his job and enjoys the freedom of planning his own days. He is really becoming a business man. Sometimes I go along with him on his trips (to Vegas, Kingman etc) and I got to see him in action at one of our insured's offices. I was really impressed how well he communicated with them and how professional he was. In our business dealing directly with the business owners can be very difficult since a lot of people don't always understand insurance and our need to review their books. He has adapted wonderfully- I am so proud!!
I am keeping busy with my crafting hobbies. I just started Tole painting with a few ladies from the office here. The Shop is in down town
Glendale in the historic district. The classes are one a week and we do one project per week.

I am having a lot of fun with it, although it can be frustrating at times. Also, I am working on a quilt with another friend at work here, Carol. We are making a signature quilt for the claims manager that is retiring this month. There are 80 people in the office so it is quite a task, but we are having a lot of fun with it. I am still involved in many online groups. We just finished a "virtual quilt camp" It reminded me a lot of girl’s camp when I was 14! We had secret sisters that we exchanged camp survival kits with and there were door prizes, projects, bingo etc. I ended up winning a huge bag of fabric as a door prize.
My parents are doing well. You may already know this, but they work in the
East Valley and live down the street from us in the
West Valley. Their commute is about 45 mins to an hour depending on traffic. My mom has new hours so they aren't car pooling anymore, but she enjoys getting home in the early afternoon. When dad is not working he is keeping busy in his garden. Which is flourishing by the way! The man definably has a green thumb! My mom keeps busy with crafts and we are working on an appliqué project currently.
Well, everyone have a great week and hope to hear from you soon!