My brother and Crystal gave Kenny and acre of land...... ON THE MOON! Now we were looking for an acre of land to buy, but we were thinking a little closer 8-) . It was just such a cute gift!

The next day I left of
The weekend of 04/14 & 15 - My mom and I took up a new hobby - Cake decorating! Since Kenny was a professional cake decorator (when he was a manager for Frys) we elected him our teacher. I had no idea there was so much to it , but we are enjoying learning. Sunday we went out to Buckeye to help set up Barb and Dave's pool for the summer.
Last Friday (04/20) Kenny and I took Shelby (our black lab) out to the lake. It was a blast. She had never been around any body of water like that and was just so curious and wanted to investigate. We took her on a boat ride and he was all over the place checking out the waves and the water splashing. We got to an island and gave her time to play. Fetch with a stick was my favorite- she was just so eager to swim out and bring it back to us! I guess we found our boat dog!!! That night we took Barb and Dave out for Mexican food at Raul and Teresa's and headed over to their house to play cards.
Saturday morning my parents and Kenny went out to the desert to ride the dirt bike and the quads. There was a bit of an accident, but everyone is okay. My mom and dad flipped the quad going up a hill. The were a little banged up but are as tough as they come! That night we ate dinner with them and played more cards.
One last thing... Last Sunday we purchased a new 2007 GMC Sierra
We traded in our 2005GMC Canyon . My favorite part of the new truck is that the seats fold up in the back to give the dogs lots of laying around room! I think Kenny's favorite part is he finally had the full size truck he wanted.
We traded in our 2005
Anyway, that should get us caught up! We would love to hear from you all! Drop a line when you have time :)